Spring Kraftz

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lady Bugs

Lady Bugs Supply List:

White paper plates (cheep ones not wax coated)
Tempera paint, Red and Black
Construction paper - black & white
Paint brushes
a a pair of hands :)

How to: I started by drawing a line across the paper plate for the head and body.
Have the kids paint the big part red and the small part black.
While the plate dries ...
Help the kids trace their hand on the black construction paper.( Only need 4 fingers :) You can also trace some antennas and have the kids cut out their hands and antennas.
You will also need circles for the eyes and some dots for the body. This can be done with scraps.
Once you have the hands,eyes and dots all done and your plate is dry start gluing. Turn your plate over and gluing on the hands. Once you have the hands secure add the eyes and dots and then you can draw a line on the body to look like wings. All done and so cute!

** Note... If you have some circle paper punches in different sizes you can use these for the eyes and dots ... they might be helpful for little ones who can't cut so well.
** You could also buy some EX. Large googly eyes and some foam dots if your buget allows.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Pretty Posies

How cute are these posies! Plus they are so easy to make !

Supply List: Construction paper, tissue paper, paper plate, glue, and a pencil.

** I like the cheep white paper plates for this project.
Cut construction paper into 1 inch strips. Glue the stripes on the plate one color at a time. ( you may have to trim the paper a bit to size, depending on your construction paper size). I wanted some dimension so on the third time around I had the kids crinkle the strips. Once you are done with all three colors I had cut tissue paper into 1 1/2 to 2 inch squares ( so 2x2 or 1 1/2x 1 1/2 ). Then we raped them around the pencil erased, dabbed them in glue and filled the center full. Super cute,
easy and done!